intsemba on "Bedding down before transfer"
Hi this may sound like a silly question but I am having a FET using DS. We were told to BD the night before. I was scared to ask right then and there about doing that. I am just wondering if my DH's...
View Articledimopoulos on "Husband not open to DS"
Has anyone had the problem of wanting kids but your husband has been completely against using ds? We found out that he can't have kids, but he is against anything other than biological. Is there a...
View Articlegulesin on ""6 month quarentine" for donor sperm"
If you are using an anonymous sperm donor from a bank, do they only show you donors that have been quartentined for the 6 months, therefore you can get the vials shipped and do an IVF cycle right away?...
View Articlegulesin on "How did you chose between Fairfax and California Cyro?"
We are just starting down this road and these two sperm banks keep popping up, so I am going to asume they are pretty large and very well known. I was concerned about the testing they do on the donors,...
View Articlerossa on "London, ON: Donor conception support group, Apr 25"
SOUTHWEST ONTARIO DONOR CONCEPTION SUPPORT NETWORKSpring MeetingSat, Apr 25/09. 2:00-4:00pm. No charge. Light refreshments.St. Jude's Anglican Church, London, Ontario(NW Corner of Adelaide St....
View Articlebeiker on "DS with IVF - Chances????"
I just finished my second IUI with DS and it was a BFN...I have to say the counts from the donor we had been using were pretty bad so I am not too surprised! At the same time I know it only takes one...
View Articlealifriqui on "Has anyone used donor sperm or donor eggs and NOT ever told the...
My DH and I are in the beginnings of treatment. We're dealing with what I assume is considered "severe" male factor, and will likely need to do Tese or Mesa, along with ICSI and IVF. Anyways, he has...
View Articleucenik on "Also posted on IVF NY thread---question about NY state guidelines...
I'm hoping someone a bit more versed in legalese could help me out. I am jumping through some hoops trying to get my DDS (directed donor sperm) accepted by the Andrology Lab at Cornell. I am scheduled...
View ArticleMagdaki77 on "Using a Brother-in-Law for Donor Sperm"
My husband and I found out somewhat recently that he does not have any sperm. He has had two sperm retrieval procedures (one in each testicle) and both did not give any sperm. We found a urologist, Dr....
View Articlebeiker on "Some beginner questions about DS"
My DH and I think we are going to go ahead with DS after 3 mc's this past year and one failed IVF. He has a chromosonal translocation and 2% morp. We would be using his brothers sperm who has three...
View Articleleilab on "To tell or not to tell: an interesting study (x-post)"'m a donor (embryo), not a recipient, and have no stake in whether people tell but I thought this was interesting. Before this, I hadn't heard of an actual study...
View ArticleKoliousis on "Any age limit for ds success?..."
I wonder if there is an age limit just like the egg donor age?My ob told me that my DH`s sperm is be too old for me to have a baby!!My DH is 53...Any one knows anything about it?
View Articledany on "known donor sperm stories"
DH's mTESE was unsuccessful today and showed zero sperm. We are moving forward with BIL as our donor. Please share your stories if you used a known donor. Thanks!
View Articlequattrox7 on "DS, what to tell potential child? (loss, m/c ment'd)"
DH and I have been TTC 4+ years now, and have done the whole IVF with ICSI. ICSI fertilizes them just fine (only 1 out of 8 fertilized without it), and we have had dozens of eggs become embryos. But...
View ArticleSOFIADIMITRIOU on "Anyone know how long sperm lives?"
A sample in a collection cup that is kept slighlty warm - how long will it last? I might have to transport some and it may take an hour to hour and half before it will be used.Is this okay? Anyone with...
View Articlebeiker on "Did you tell family you were using donor sperm?"
My DH and I have just been through 3 mc's and one failed IVF due to his balance translocation, so we have decided to start the process of donor sperm. He was actually the one who said he wanted to do...
View Articleyiaana on "proven donor sperm"
Hi all - Would love to get others' opinion on this? I have been trying to get pregnant for a long time. Last cycle we used DP's eggs for the first time. We used donor sperm and got a great fert rate. I...
View ArticleMarina on "new to the group"
Hello all, I am new to here, I found it on another site (resolve) My husband and I got the deverstating news that we can not a child with his sperm. He does not have nay. We have no idea why. He had...
View Articlebeiker on "What is your usual post thaw numbers"
Just curious what kind of total count you get with your vials....I am using ICI vials and after my RE prepares them I have come up with 12 mil, 6 mil and most recently 8 mil and 4 mil. The lab seems to...
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